Private Sector Participation in Water Infrastructure

OECD Checklist for Public Action

image of Private Sector Participation in Water Infrastructure

Many countries have sought the involvement of the private sector to upgrade and develop their water and sanitation infrastructure and improve the efficiency of water systems. This book provides a coherent catalogue of policy directions, including appropriate allocation of roles, risks and responsibilities, framework conditions and contractual arrangements necessary to make the best of private sector participation and to harness more effectively the capacities of all stakeholders.

English Also available in: French

Definitions, Trends and Concepts

The Checklist aims to assist governments and their partners in facilitating the development and management of infrastructure with a view to increasing sustainable access to safe and reliable drinking water and proper sanitation facilities. The focus, therefore, is mainly on developing and emerging countries, where extending the relevant infrastructure constitutes a major challenge. High-income countries also face substantial investment needs in order to maintain and replace ageing networks but the issues and conditions differ depending on the level of development. These differences are most notable in the areas of institutional and regulatory framework development and level of access to water and sanitation. Nevertheless, the practices of OECD countries are presented when relevant, as they provide useful insights on issues at stake and possible policy responses.

English Also available in: French

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