OECD Investment Policy Reviews: Peru 2008
In July 2008, Peru became the 41st country to adhere to the OECD Declaration on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises. This review, undertaken as a part of Peru's adherence process, show the country's achievements in establishing an open and transparent regime with a limited number of restrictions, enabling Peru to rank among the most open economies. Recent government initiatives seek to further reduce administrative barriers to investment, streamline and simplify investment incentives, and promote responsible business conduct practices.
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Peru's Policy Framework for Investment
Based on the Policy Framework for Investment, the analysis of Peru’s investment policy and investment promotion and facilitation shows that the country has made considerable progress in establishing an open and transparent investment regime. This is also reflected in a limited number of restrictions on foreign investment which Peru notified as exceptions to national treatment and the measures reported for transparency under the OECD Declaration on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises. Peru’s investment incentives are applied on a sectoral or territorial basis irrespective of investors’ national or foreign origin. Through its national policies and commitments in recent international agreements, in particular the Trade Promotion Agreement, signed with the United States, Peru has put a solid basis in support of human and labour rights and the environment and to promote responsible business conduct.
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