OECD Investment Policy Reviews: Peru 2008
In July 2008, Peru became the 41st country to adhere to the OECD Declaration on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises. This review, undertaken as a part of Peru's adherence process, show the country's achievements in establishing an open and transparent regime with a limited number of restrictions, enabling Peru to rank among the most open economies. Recent government initiatives seek to further reduce administrative barriers to investment, streamline and simplify investment incentives, and promote responsible business conduct practices.
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Annex A
Peru's Exceptions to National Treatment
Foreign enterprises and Peruvian enterprises owned in whole or in part by foreign nationals are not authorised to acquire directly or indirectly land or water (including mines, forest land or energy resources) located within 50 kilometres of the Peruvian border. Exceptions may be authorised by Supreme Decree approved by the Council of Ministers in the case of expressly declared public necessity.
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