OECD Benchmark Definition of Foreign Direct Investment 2008
Fourth Edition
Foreign direct investment (FDI) is a major driver of globalisation. The OECD Benchmark Definition of Foreign Direct Investment sets the world standard for FDI statistics. It provides a single point of reference for statisticians and users on all aspect of FDI statistics, while remaining compatible with other internationally accepted statistical standards. This edition introduces new analytical data breakdowns and statistical treatments that better reflect the realities of today’s world economy. The revised Benchmark Definition provides methods for classifying different types of FDI (e.g., mergers and acquisitions, greenfield investments) and for identifying the ultimate investor. The new edition now addresses the uses of FDI statistics, including globalisation indicators, and provides a chapter relating to the statistics on the activities of multinational enterprises.
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Annex 3
List of Borderline Cases and Exclusions from FDI
Financial corporations such as Special Purpose Entities (SPEs) or conduits that raise funds in open markets on behalf of their parent corporation or fellow enterprises are usually encompassed in the SNA definition of “Other financial corporations”. Therefore, non-equity transactions/positions between these financial corporations should be included in FDI. A more detailed discussion of the SPEs and related issues may be found in Annex 7.
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