Financial Market Trends

OECD’s twice-yearly journal providing timely analyses and statistics on financial matters of topical interest and longer-term developments in specific financial sectors. Each issue provides a brief update of trends and prospects in the international and major domestic financial markets along with articles covering such topics as structural and regulatory developments in OECD financial systems, trends in foreign direct investment, trends in privatization, and financial sector statistics covering areas such as bank profitability, insurance, and institutional investors.

Periodically, a small number of articles within one field of financial sector developments – constituting the so-called special focus for the particular issue – may be included.


Institutional Investors and Corporate Governance in Latin America

Challenges, Promising Practices and Recommendations

This report addresses the issue of how some institutional investors in Latin America have been working to encourage better corporate governance in the companies in which they invest, and what further policy initiatives and practices may be desirable to enhance their role as a force for better governance in the region. It provides a brief overview of 1) consensus recommendations on the role of institutional investors as active and informed owners agreed by the Latin American Roundtable on Corporate Governance and in the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance; 2) the Latin American context, including market characteristics and the size and make-up of the institutional investor sector in each of the participating countries; 3) country legal and regulatory frameworks impacting on how Latin American institutional investors behave; 4) challenges and promising practices identified in separately developed country reports focusing on experience in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru; 5) issues for further recommendations; and 6) conclusions.


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