OECD Business and Finance Policy Papers
These papers provide insights from OECD work on a broad range of themes relating to the domestic policies and global rules that help shape markets and business conduct. They contribute to helping government, business and society design and implement strategic, evidence-based and innovative solutions to diverse challenges and commitments.
- ISSN: 27912663 (online)
- https://doi.org/10.1787/bf84ff64-en
Financial consumers and sustainable finance
Policy implications and approaches
This report explores issues, opportunities and challenges for financial consumers in relation to sustainable finance. It examines current trends in terms of consumer demand for and experience with sustainable finance products, as well as new risks to consumers posed by sustainable finance products. This report also explores financial consumer protection tools and responses available to policy makers and oversight authorities, illustrated by selected examples of how these tools and responses are being deployed around the world. Finally, this report offers a number of policy considerations to help guide policy makers and oversight authorities responsible for financial consumer protection.
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