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Cette cinquième édition de Panorama des Pensions présente toute une batterie d’indicateurs permettant de comparer les politiques et les situations en matière de pensions selon les pays de l’OCDE. Ces indicateurs sont également présentés, dans la mesure du possible, pour les autres grandes économies membres du G20. Deux chapitres spéciaux (chapitres 1 et 2) développent des analyses approfondies des récentes réformes des pensions et de leur impact, ainsi que du rôle du logement, du patrimoine financier et des services publics dans les revenus des retraités.

German, English, Korean
  • 23 Dec 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 144

Burkina Faso is the first country to apply the OECD Policy Framework for Investment in Agriculture to assess its policies to attract and benefit from investment in the sector. This whole-of-government assessment involved 17 Ministries and institutions, as well as the private sector, and has identified short- to medium-term measures to improve and strengthen the country's capacity for policy design.

  • 23 Dec 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 312

This review of investment policy in Tanzania evaluates the current policy situation and makes recommendations for  enabling Tanzania to attract higher investment to exploit its full potential and become a regional trade and investment hub. The review finds that while private investment in Tanzania has considerably risen since the early 1990s, further progress can be made to improve the business climate and attract more investment in key sectors, such as infrastructure and agriculture.

Informed by the subsequent chapters of this report, this overview provides policy options to address these challenges. In particular, investors’ rights and obligations could be rationalised and made more accessible and regulations on foreign investment and investment incentives reviewed. The land legislation could be revised and land rights registration accelerated, notably by providing stronger incentives for registration. The short-term and long-term costs and benefits of the regulatory restrictions imposed by crop boards and of export bans could be closely analysed.

  • 16 Dec 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 220

Institutional investors (investment funds, insurance companies and pension funds) are major collectors of savings and suppliers of funds to financial markets. Their role as financial intermediaries and their impact on investment strategies have grown significantly over recent years along with deregulation and globalisation of financial markets.

This publication provides a unique set of statistics that reflect the level and structure of the financial assets of institutional investors in the OECD countries, and in the Russian Federation. Concepts and definitions are predominantly based on the System of National Accounts. Data are derived from national sources.

Data includes outstanding amounts of financial assets such as currency and deposits, securities, loans, and shares. When relevant, they are further broken down according to maturity and residency. The publication covers investment funds, of which open-end companies and closed-end companies, as well as insurance corporations and autonomous pension funds. Indicators are presented as percentages of GDP allowing for international comparisons, and at country level, both in national currency and as percentages of total financial assets of the investor. Time series display available data for the last eight years.

The complete database with longer time series is also available on line at http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00498-en.


Les investisseurs institutionnels (sociétés d’assurance, sociétés d’investissement et fonds de pension) sont les principaux collecteurs de l’épargne et émetteurs de fonds sur les marchés financiers. Leur rôle en tant qu’intermédiaires financiers et leur impact sur les stratégies d’investissement se sont accrus de façon significative au cours des dernières années avec la déréglementation et la mondialisation des marchés financiers.

Cette publication constitue un ensemble unique d'indicateurs reflétant le niveau et la structure des actifs financiers des investisseurs institutionnels dans les pays de l'OCDE et dans la Fédération de Russie. Les concepts et les définitions reposent essentiellement sur le système de comptabilité nationale. Les données proviennent des sources nationales.

Les données se rapportent aux encours d’actifs financiers tels que numéraire et dépôts, titres, crédits, et actions. Lorsque c’est pertinent, les données sont ventilées selon leur maturité et résidence. La publication couvre les fonds d'investissement, dont les fonds à capital variable et ceux à capital fixe, ainsi que les sociétés d'assurance et les fonds de pension autonomes. Les indicateurs sont présentés en pourcentage du PIB pour les comparaisons internationales, et au niveau de chaque pays, à la fois en monnaie nationale et en pourcentage du total des actifs financiers de l’investisseur. Les séries temporelles présentent les données disponibles pour les 8 dernières années.

  • 13 Dec 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 294

L’industrie de l’assurance présente une composante essentielle de l’économie, par l’importance des primes collectées et des investissements réalisés et, plus fondamentalement, en raison du rôle social et économique qu’elle joue en couvrant les risques des particuliers et des entreprises.

Cette publication annuelle rassemble les principales données statistiques officielles du secteur des assurances pour tous les pays de l’OCDE. Le lecteur y trouvera des informations sur les activités de cette industrie ainsi que des indications sur les grandes tendances du marché international.

Pour la première fois, un chapitre analytique intégrant des données des pays de l’OCDE et de certaines économies supplémentaires a été inséré. Ce chapitre additionnel met en évidence les raisons sous-jacentes des tendances dans la croissance des primes brutes et les développements des sinistres entre 2010 et 2011, et présente des indicateurs clés de performance.

Les données, standardisées dans la mesure du possible, sont détaillées en nombreuses sous-rubriques et une série d’indicateurs permet une meilleure compréhension des caractéristiques des différents marchés nationaux. Cette publication constitue un outil indispensable aux utilisateurs des administrations, du monde des affaires et du monde universitaire amenés à travailler dans le domaine des assurances.

Les données de cette publication sont également disponibles sous forme de base de données en ligne via www.oecd-ilibrary.org sous le titre Statistiques de l'OCDE sur les assurances (http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/ins-data-fr).

  • 06 Dec 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 236

This report presents the results of OECD's comprehensive review of Jordan's investment policy. It examines the role of investment in Jordan's economy, Jordan's investment regime and the national treatment instrument, Jordan's policy framework for investment, Jordan's adherence to the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterpriese, and its investment framework in support of green growth.

Das Handbuch liefert praktische Hinweise, die den zuständigen Bediensteten der Steuerverwaltung dabei helfen sollen, auffällige Zahlungen zu identifizieren, bei denen es sich wahrscheinlich um Bestechungsgelder an ausländische Amtsträger handelt, damit die Versagung der steuerlichen Abzugsfähigkeit durchgesetzt werden kann, sowie Schmiergeldzahlungen aufgedeckt und den für die Strafverfolgung zuständigen Stellen des jeweiligen Landes gemeldet werden können.

Portuguese, Latvian, English, Dutch, French, All

The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises aim to help businesses meet the challenge of acting responsibly in any country they operate by providing a global framework for responsible conduct covering all areas of business ethics. While observance of the Guidelines by enterprises is voluntary and not legally enforceable, adhering governments are committed to promoting their observance among enterprises. This Annual Report describes what adhering governments have done to live up to their commitment over the 12 months to June 2013 . In particular it highlights the mediation and consensus building activities promoted by National Contact Points, the Guidelines' implementation mechanism set up by adhering governments. It includes a copy of the current edition of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

  • 02 Dec 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 136

This book offers an overview on recent trends and policies in intergovernmental fiscal relations and sub-central government. Accessible chapters provide: insight into how sub-central governments are managing ongoing consolidation, as well as how fiscal decentralisation fosters economic growth and educational attainment; a balanced account of the virtues and limits of tax competition between jurisdictions; an overview of fiscal equalisation policy; and some fascinating background information about past tax and public service reforms.

  • 26 Nov 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 368

This comprehensive examination of pension systems in OECD and selected non-OECD countries looks at recent trends in retirement and working at older ages, evolving life expectancy, design of pension systems, pension entitlements, and private pensions before providing a series of detailed country profiles.

French, Korean, German
  • 15 Nov 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 252

This publication provides comprehensive and consistent information on African central government debt statistics for the period 2003-2012. Detailed quantitative information on central government debt instruments is provided for 17 countries to meet the requirements of debt managers, other financial policy makers, and market analysts. A cross country overview on African debt management policies and country policy notes provides background information on debt issuance as well as on the institutional and regulatory framework governing debt management policy.

  • 13 Nov 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 156

OECD's comprehensive review of investment policy in Mozambique.  After a country overview, this report examines investment policy, investment promotion and facilitation as well as infrastructure in Mozambique.

Ce manuel a pour but de sensibiliser les vérificateurs fiscaux aux problématiques liées aux pots-de-vin et autres formes de corruption. Il donne des clés pour identifier les indicateurs de pots-de-vin ou autres formes de corruption éventuels lorsqu’ils effectuent régulièrement des contrôles et vérifications fiscales.

Latvian, Dutch, Portuguese, Greek, English, All

This Handbook is designed to raise the awareness of tax examiners and auditors of issues concerning bribery and other forms of corruption. It provides guidance on how to recognise indicators of possible bribery or corruption in the course of regular tax examinations and audits.

French, Greek, German, Portuguese, Dutch, All
  • 05 Nov 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 108

Pensions are a major policy issue in developed and developing countries alike. However, pension reform is challenging and controversial because it involves long-term planning by governments faced with numerous short-term pressures. It often provokes heated debates and, sometimes, street protests.

Countries can learn valuable lessons from others’ pension systems and their experiences of retirement-income reforms. However, national pension systems are very complicated, involving much institutional, technical, and legal elements. Consequently, international comparisons are very difficult to undertake, making it difficult to transfer policy lessons between countries. Hence, this publication aims to fill this gap, with a particular focus on countries in the Asia/Pacific regions.

This study combines rigorous analysis with clear and easy-to-understand presentations of empirical results. It does not advocate any particular kind of pension system or type of reform. The goal is to inform debates on retirement-income systems with data that people with different visions for the future of pensions can all use as a reference point.

  • 04 Nov 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 116

This fifth peer review of the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance analyses the supervision and enforcement of rules and practices relating to related party transactions (RPTs),  takeover bids and shareholder meetings. The review covers 27 jurisdictions and is based on a general survey of all participating jurisdictions, as well as an in-depth review of supervision and enforcement practices in Brazil, Turkey, and the United States.

  • 30 Oct 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 288

Malaysia stands out as one of the economic success stories in Asia. Foreign direct investment (FDI) has played a major role in the growth and diversification of the economy, and has been a key part of an outward-oriented development strategy. As an early mover in terms of export-led development, Malaysia has traditionally received significant amounts of foreign investment relative to the small size of its economy. Today, Malaysia is a net outward investor, with its companies increasingly becoming regional and global players.

In spite of this enviable performance, the Malaysian economy is confronting numerous inter-related challenges as it strives to attain developed country status by 2020. Private investment as a share of GDP has declined, and FDI as a share of total FDI in ASEAN has decreased since the early 1990s.
The government has engaged in ambitious reforms across the board which have led to increased liberalisation and more efficient regulations and have contributed to a strong enabling environment for business. Malaysia will also continue to benefit from a dynamic and rapidly integrating region, thereby retaining the attention of investors.

OECD Investment Policy Reviews: Malaysia presents an assessment of the investment climate in Malaysia, including the institutional and legislative framework for investment. It focuses on policy options in the areas of investment, infrastructure, finance, responsible business conduct, corporate governance and green investment and discusses measures to help revive both foreign and domestic investment.

Gender equality in terms of economic and financial opportunities is becoming increasingly relevant at both national and international level. The need to address the financial literacy of women and girls as a way to improve their financial empowerment, opportunities, and well-being has been acknowledged by the G20 Leader’s Declaration in June 2012, as well as part of a wider horizontal OECD project on gender equality. The OECD International Network on Financial Education (INFE) established a dedicated workstream in 2010 to address the needs of women for financial education under the support of the Russia/World Bank/OECD Trust Fund for financial literacy and education.

This book collects the work carried out within this workstream, including policy guidance to help policy makers address women's and girls' needs for financial education, and a comprehensive analysis of the current status of knowledge on gender differences in financial literacy and policy responses in terms of financial education for women and girls.

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