The Economics of Climate Change Mitigation

Policies and Options for Global Action beyond 2012

image of The Economics of Climate Change Mitigation

Against the background of a projected doubling of world greenhouse gas emissions by mid-century, this book explores feasible ways to abate them at least cost. Through quantitative analysis, it addresses key climate policy issues including: an ideal set of climate policy tools; the size of the economic and environmental costs of incomplete country or sector coverage of climate change mitigation policies;  how to concretely develop a global carbon market; the case for, and what can we reasonably expect from, R&D and technology support policies; and  the incentives for major emitting countries to join a climate change mitigation agreement.

English Also available in: French

Graph 4.11 - Projected geographical distribution of offset credit buyers and sellers at the 2020 horizon under a 50% emission cut in each Annex I region separately

Projected geographical distribution of offset credit buyers and sellers at the 2020 horizon under a 50% emission cut in each Annex I region separately appears in The Economics of Climate Change Mitigation: Policies and Options for Global Action beyond 201


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