OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Turkey 2008
This edition of OECD's periodic review of Turkey's environmental policy finds that Turkey has achieved consolidation of environmental progress and its environmental legislation is increasingly incorporating the EU environmental aquis. But pollution, energy, and resource intensities still need to be reduced and environmentally related health problems need to be addressed. This review systematically looks at air, water, nature and biodiversity, the environmental-economic interface, the environmental-social interface, and international co-operation, making 45 specific recommendations.
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Environmental - Social Interface
Important efforts have been made to increase access of the public to information in general and to environmental information in particular. Annual state of the environment reporting at provincial level has been supplemented by nation-wide reports. Environmental information units formed in government agencies, together with the state of the environment reports and national environmental statistics produced by the Turkish Statistical Institute inform the public about environmental issues. Public participation in the management of protected areas, in rural development and in EIAs procedures have become common and the number of environmental NGOs has increased. Initiatives to raise public environmental awareness, including training courses on environmental issues and environmental information dissemination have been developed for rural communities, the armed forces and prayer leaders.
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