Measuring Sustainable Production
Most people support sustainable development without knowing what it is. What exactly are sustainable consumption and sustainable production, and how are these practices identified? This volume reviews the state-of-the-art in measuring sustainable production processes in industry. It includes metrics developed by business, trade unions, academics, NGOs, and the OECD and IEA. These measurement approaches cover the "triple bottom line" (economic, environmental and social dimensions) of industrial sustainability.
In the Same Series
Subsidy Reform and Sustainable Development: Political Economy Aspects
Subsidy Reform and Sustainable Development: Economic, Environmental and Social Aspects
Institutionalising Sustainable Development
Further Reading
Measuring Sustainable Development: Integrated Economic, Environmental and Social Frameworks
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Surveying Firm Environmental Practices
It is well understood that in the absence of public policy interventions, firms will face inadequate incentives to take into account the environmental impacts of their production choices. It is also known that market-based instruments and flexible performance standards are a more efficient means for public authorities to provide such incentives than more direct forms of regulation. However, a detailed analysis of the effects of public environmental policy on the inner workings of the firm has been largely absent from the vast body of literature which has been marshalled in support of these insights.
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