Global Material Resources Outlook to 2060
Economic Drivers and Environmental Consequences
This report presents global projections of materials use and their environmental consequences, providing a quantitative outlook to 2060 at the global, sectoral and regional levels for 61 different materials (biomass resources, fossil fuels, metals and non-metallic minerals). It explains the economic drivers determining the decoupling of economic growth and materials use, and assesses how the projected shifts in sectoral and regional economic activity influence the use of different materials. The projections include both primary and secondary materials, which provides a deeper understanding of what drives the synergies and trade-offs between extraction and recycling.
The report projects a doubling of global primary materials use between today and 2060. Population and converging per capita income growth drive the growth in materials use. However, structural change, especially in non-OECD countries, and technology improvements partially dampen that growth. Metals and non-metallic minerals are projected to grow more rapidly than other types of materials.
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Case studies on demand and supply risks for specific materials: copper, iron and steel and critical materials
This report focuses on the big picture: global aggregated material flows. However, each material can be explored in more detail to provide insights into the economic mechanisms that are at play in the links between materials use and their economic drivers, and the prospects for supply risks. This chapter presents two case studies that model stock accumulation, waste generation and secondary materials use for copper and steel. The last section delves into the evolution of supply risks and the economic importance of materials for OECD countries to 2030 to assess potential criticality of materials in the future.
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