This dataset measures the residual growth in the joint production of both the desirable and the undesirable outputs that cannot be explained by changes in the consumption of factor inputs (including labour, produced capital and natural capital). Therefore, for a given growth of input use, the Environmentally Adjusted Multifactor Productivity (EAMFP) increases when GDP increases or when pollution decreases.
Environmental protection (EP) includes all activities and actions which have as their main purpose the prevention, reduction and elimination of pollution as well as any other degradation of the environment. The scope of environmental protection expenditure is defined according to the Classification of Environmental Protection Activities (CEPA 2000). CEPA distinguishes nine environmental domains.
OECD Environment Statistics
The OECD Environmental Statistics database provide a unique collection of policy-relevant environmental statistics.
Also available in: French
Keywords: biodiversity, eco-innovation, natural resources, outlook, biosafety, climate change, transition economies, water, trade, indicators, chemical safety, environment, sustainable development, transport, economic policy, waste
- ISSN: 18169465 (online)
- https://doi.org/10.1787/env-data-en
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