Conducting Sustainability Assessments

image of Conducting Sustainability Assessments

This volume reviews the state of the art in conducting sustainability assessments, including the range of methodologies and tools available. It describes current practice in OECD countries, as well as the continuing debate on quantifying and comparing diverse types of short- and long-term policy impacts. 


Using Assessment Tools in the Policy Context

The use of assessment tools in the context of how policy staff normally works and, therefore, the working environment in which any tools may be required to operate is an important consideration. This analysis of that working environment, which is based on experiences in the United Kingdom, shows that good project management must be accompanied by certain controls and that assessment tools can have varying results depending on the context. The most useful tools are those which can be used from time to time, rather than requiring a consistent process over time, and those which are tailored to specific policies, rather than attempting to integrate multiple policies.


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