Building Financial Resilience to Climate Impacts

A Framework for Governments to Manage the Risks of Losses and Damages

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Governments are facing significant climate-related risks from the expected increase in frequency and intensity of cyclones, floods, fires, and other climate-related extreme events. The report Building Financial Resilience to Climate Impacts: A Framework for Governments to Manage the Risks of Losses and Damages provides a strategic framework to help governments, particularly those in emerging market and developing economies, strengthen their capacity to manage the financial implications of climate-related risks. The goal of the framework is to support sound public financial management strategies that take into account budgetary and financing constraints, and to foster broader actions at the national and international levels.

The report examines the role of governments in identifying and assessing climate-related physical risks and their impacts on public finances, and reporting climate-related fiscal risks to promote transparency in public financial management. It discusses how to mitigate those risks through protecting households and businesses, and developing integrated multipronged financial strategies to fund government expenditure needs. Finally, it calls for promoting integrated strategies to strengthen financial resilience at the country and regional levels, and for mobilising development co-operation to strengthen global climate financial resilience.


Executive summary

The increasing frequency and severity of climate change-related extreme events, including cyclones, floods, and wildfires, are resulting in increasing damages to homes, building and infrastructure with significant implications for livelihoods and the broader economy. Governments have a critical role to play in supporting relief, recovery and reconstruction in the aftermath of climate-related extreme events, to address the resulting financial losses, and in creating an enabling environment that encourages adaptation, risk reduction and financial resilience. This creates pressures on public finances and can result in fiscal risks. Identifying and assessing such climate-related fiscal risks, mitigating these risks across society and ensuring sufficient funding to respond to events when they occur will become an increasingly important component of public financial management and economic policy.


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