Live Longer, Work Longer

image of Live Longer, Work Longer

This report helps establish a new agenda for age-friendly employment policies and practices. It sets out the policy challenges presented by rapidly ageing labour forces in OECD countries and draws out the main lessons learned from OECD's series of country reviews on Ageing and Employment policies.  Among other issues, it discusses how to remove work disincentives and increase choice in the work-retirement decision, improve employability of older workers, and change employer attitudes and employment practices.

English Also available in: French

Concluding Remarks on Policy Implementation

Key messages: Action is required on many fronts if work is to be made a rewarding and attractive proposition for older people: work incentives must be improved; employers must be encouraged to hire and retain older workers; and the employability of older workers must be strengthened. Thus, a co-ordinated and comprehensive package of agefriendly employment measures and policies is required, which should be developed and implemented jointly by government, employers, trade unions and civil society.

English Also available in: French

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