Getting Skills Right: Spain

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This report identifies effective strategies to tackle skills imbalances in Spain. It provides an assessment of practices and policies in the following areas: the collection and use of information on skill needs to foster a better alignment between skills acquisition and labour market needs; education and training policies targeting skills development and investment for individuals and employers; activation policies to develop skills through on-the-job learning; and policies facilitating the entry of migrants with skills that are in demand. The assessment is based on country visits, desk research and data analysis conducted by the OECD secretariat.


Summary and key recommendations

Skills demands are more polarised in Spain than in many other OECD countries, with a high share of Spanish jobs requiring either very low levels of education or very high levels of education. The share of all jobs requiring only a primary education is higher in Spain (25%) than in any other OECD country; however, the supply of low-educated workers exceeds demand. The collapse of the construction sector during the economic crisis pushed many low-educated workers into unemployment, and these workers now comprise the largest share of the long-term unemployed. The OECD Skills for Jobs Database points to surpluses in knowledge of manufacturing and production, and in manual skills. At the same time, shortage pressure is evident in basic skills and abilities related to numeracy and literacy, as well as higher-level cognitive skills and abilities, like reasoning, systems skills and complex problem solving.


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