This subset of the OECD Employment and Labour Market Statistics Database contains three earnings-dispersion measures broken down by gender - ratio of 9th-to-1st, 9th-to-5th and 5th-to-1st - where ninth, fifth (or median) and first deciles are upper-earnings decile limits, unless otherwise indicated, of gross earnings of full-time dependent employees. The dataset also includes a series on the incidence of low-paid workers (defined as the share in total dependent employment of workers earning less than two-thirds of median earnings) and the gender wage gap. Data are expressed in ratios and presented from 1950 onwards.
This dataset contains annual data on minimum wages relative to median wages of full-time workers. For cross-country comparisons, data on minimum wage levels are further supplemented with another measure of minimum wages relative to average wages, that is, the ratio of minimum wages to median earnings of full-time employees. Median rather than mean earnings provide a better basis for international comparisons as it accounts for differences in earnings dispersion across countries. Data coverage begins in 1960.
This dataset contains age wage gaps defined as the difference between mean (median) earnings of 25-54 year-olds and that of 15-24 year-olds (respectively 55-64 year-olds) relative to mean (median) earnings of 25-54 year-olds. Earnings refer to gross earnings of full-time dependent employees unless otherwise indicated.
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