World Education Indicators 2005

Education Trends in Perspective

image of World Education Indicators 2005
This publication provides a range of comparable, cross-national education indicators for 19 middle-income non-OECD countries comprising over 50 per cent of the world population.  In particular, it examines the extent to which countries were able to widen participation in higher levels of education between 1995 and 2002/3. Coverage includes data on educational attainment, education expectancy, enrolment rates of different age groups, age ranges of universal primary and secondary education, female participation, upper secondary enrolment patterns, entry rates into upper secondary and tertiary education, graduation rates, grade repetition, population and GDP, expenditure on education, teaching staff, class size, teachers' salaries, and expenditure per student. By examining the data from these countries and comparing it to that of OECD countries,  this volume examines the factors which can generate growth in education in one country and constrain it in another.

The countries participating in this study include: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Jamaica, Jordan, Malaysia, Paraguay, Peru, the Philippines, the Russian Federation, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tunisia, Uruguay and Zimbabwe.


Russian Federation

Centre for Educational Research and Innovation

The Russian economy has made an impressive recovery since its 1998 crisis. Between 1998 and 2005, GDP expanded by an estimated 48 per cent, while real incomes grew by 46 per cent. Poverty rates were cut in half and regional disparities declined somewhat. While living standards have begun to get better, improving education and health has been more diffi cult, and signifi cant social risks remain for some segments of society.


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