Trends Shaping Education 2022
Did you ever wonder what the impact of climate change will be on our educational institutions in the next decade? What does it mean for schools that our societies are becoming more individualistic and diverse?
Trends Shaping Education is a triennial report examining major economic, political, social and technological trends affecting education. While the trends are robust, the questions raised in this book are suggestive, and aim to inform strategic thinking and stimulate reflection on the challenges facing education.
This 2022 edition covers a rich array of topics related to economic growth, living and working, knowledge and power, identity and belonging and our physical world and human bodies and interactions. It includes a specific focus on the impact of COVID‑19 on global trends, and new futures thinking sections inviting readers to reflect on how the future might differ from our current expectations.
This book is designed to give policy makers, researchers, educational leaders, administrators and teachers a robust, non-specialist source of international comparative trends shaping education, whether in schools, universities or in programmes for older adults. It will also be of interest to students and the wider public, including parents.
Also available in: French
Resumen ejecutivo
El mundo está siendo testigo de una desconexión cada vez mayor entre el imperativo del crecimiento económico y los recursos finitos de nuestro planeta; entre el aumento de la riqueza de algunos y el bienestar de muchos. El rápido cambio tecnológico no siempre sirve para hacer frente a necesidades sociales urgentes y, a pesar del aumento de la conectividad, muchas personas se sienten solas y sin voz. Tendencias que Transforman la Educación 2022 explora las principales tendencias globales y su influencia sobre la educación, desde la primera infancia hasta el aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida. Cada capítulo empieza examinando el impacto del COVID-19 antes de revisar las tendencias y sus implicaciones para el futuro de la educación.
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