PEB Exchange, Programme on Educational Building

Programme on Educational Building

Articles from the OECD Programme on Educational Building’s PEB Exchange. Articles cover examples of innovative new educational building projects, new technologies, trends in educational architecture, and related management and policy issues.

English Also available in: French

Tertiary Education Infrastructure in the United Kingdom

Programme on Educational Building

Infrastructure for tertiary education is currently the object of attention in the United Kingdom. Presented here are four articles that describe recent planning and research regarding facilities for UK universities and colleges of higher education. They cover a case study in planning a sustainable business school building, research on the impact facilities play when students choose a university, a report on the cost and need to modernise teaching and learning infrastructure, and finally a project on effective space management to improve use of space and resources.

English Also available in: French

Keywords: design, planning, tertiary, environment, HEFCE, student choice, space management
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