Synergies for Better Learning
An International Perspective on Evaluation and Assessment
How can assessment and evaluation policies work together more effectively to improve student outcomes in primary and secondary schools? Countries increasingly use a range of techniques for student assessment, teacher appraisal, school evaluation, school leader appraisal and education system evaluation. However, they often face difficulties in implementing evaluation and assessment policies. This may arise as a result of poor policy design, lack of analysis of unintended consequences, little capacity for school agents to put evaluation procedures into practice, lack of an evaluation culture, or deficient use of evaluation results.
This report provides an international comparative analysis and policy advice to countries on how evaluation and assessment arrangements can be embedded within a consistent framework to improve the quality, equity and efficiency of school education. It builds upon a major 3-year review of evaluation and assessment policies in 28 countries, the OECD Review on Evaluation and Assessment Frameworks for Improving School Outcomes. As well as analysing strengths and weaknesses of different approaches, the report provides recommendations for improvement including how results should be incorporated into policy and practice.
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The focus on evaluation and assessment
The OECD undertook a major international study of evaluation and assessment policies in school systems: the OECD Review on Evaluation and Assessment Frameworks for Improving School Outcomes. Drawing on the experiences of 25 countries around the world, and extensive data and research, the OECD Review analysed the key factors involved in effective evaluation and assessment policies, and developed policy options for countries to consider. Over at least the last 30 years, evaluation and assessment have become an increasingly significant feature of the educational landscape in countries across the world. Their nature and purpose remain varied, reflecting national traditions, infrastructure and practices, broader educational policy and political agreements. This chapter discusses why evaluation and assessment policies are high on national agendas, describes the methodology used in the Review, and outlines the organisation of this report.
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