Supporting Teacher Professionalism
Insights from TALIS 2013
This report examines the nature and extent of support for teacher professionalism using the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) 2013, a survey of teachers and principals in 34 countries and economies around the world. Teacher professionalism is defined as the knowledge, skills, and practices that teachers must have in order to be effective educators.
The report focuses on lower secondary teachers (ISCED 2) in different education systems and looks at cross-cultural differences in teacher professionalism. It explores how teacher professionalism is linked to policy-relevant teacher outcomes such as perceived status, satisfaction with profession and school environment or perceived self-efficacy. The publication also tackles equity concerns in teacher professionalism: it examines professionalism support gaps, which are defined as differences in support for teacher professionalism in schools with high levels of disadvantage as compared to those with low-levels of disadvantage. Last but not least, the report presents a number of policy-relevant recommendations to enhance teacher professionalism and equity in access to high-quality teaching in OECD member countries.
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Conceptualising teacher professionalism
This chapter outlines the background of the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS). It then introduces the goals of this thematic report on teacher professionalism, which has been based on the TALIS 2013 data. It discusses the different forms and aspects of teacher professionalism and the existing literature on the topic. The chapter also introduces the research questions and the methods underlying the current report.
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