PEB Exchange, Programme on Educational Building

Programme on Educational Building

Articles from the OECD Programme on Educational Building’s PEB Exchange. Articles cover examples of innovative new educational building projects, new technologies, trends in educational architecture, and related management and policy issues.

English Also available in: French

School Works in the United Kingdom

A New Approach to Local School Design

Programme on Educational Building

School Works, a not-for-profit company in the United Kingdom, has developed a secondary school design process which enables communities to create unique school buildings that cater for their own particular needs. At the heart of this process is the basic principle that it is the people who work and learn in a school building every day who really understand its ethos, its needs, its strengths and its weaknesses, and that truly involving the school community will generate an innate sense of ownership and respect for the buildings. School Works has put its participatory process into practice at an inner-city school in London.

English Also available in: French

Keywords: United Kingdom, community, Kingsdale Secondary School, design
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