Reviews of National Policies for Education: Tertiary Education in Chile 2009
This joint OECD and World Bank review gives a brief overview of post-secondary education in Chile and describes its development over the past twenty years. It presents an analysis of the system and identifies key directions for policy reform in light of the challenges encountered by officials, communities, enterprises, educators, parents and students. It concludes with a set of key recommendations concerning the structure of the system and its labour market relevance; access and equity, governance and management; research, development and innovation; internationalisation; and financing.
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Research and Development
This chapter discusses the importance of research and innovation in Chile. It analyses the growth of research in recent years, and the relative contributions of government and the private sector to research spending and research performance. It considers research in higher education: which institutions carry it out, its impact, strengths and weaknesses, and how university research might be developed. The chapter also looks at research funding and funding trends; at the research policy framework; at ensuring longer-term support for centres of excellence or regional centres; and at international research co-operation.
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