Reviews of National Policies for Education: Tertiary Education in Chile 2009

image of Reviews of National Policies for Education: Tertiary Education in Chile 2009

This joint OECD and World Bank review gives a brief overview of post-secondary education in Chile and describes its development over the past twenty years. It presents an analysis of the system and identifies key directions for policy reform in light of the challenges encountered by officials, communities, enterprises, educators, parents and students. It concludes with a set of key recommendations concerning the structure of the system and its labour market relevance; access and equity, governance and management; research, development and innovation; internationalisation; and financing.

English Also available in: Spanish


This chapter begins by discussing the market for educated labour, the views of the employers about university graduates in Chile and the availability of information for users of the education system. It then reviews the opportunities for progression through different levels and forms of learning: from schools to the work place, from further to higher education and training and across different types of tertiary education institution (CFTs, IPs and Universities). An analysis of the internationalisation of tertiary education in Chile highlights the importance of collaborative ties with foreign partners for improvement of the country’s international competitiveness.


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