Teaching in Focus

Teaching in Focus policy briefs use data from the OECD’s Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) to discuss issues relevant to teachers and teacher policies in a concise, user-friendly way.

English Also available in: French

Professional collaboration as a key support for teachers working in challenging environments

Teachers’ work is multifaceted and dynamic. They frequently encounter students with different needs, such as different ability levels and learning styles, and frequently need to give students feedback or interpersonal support. The COVID-19 pandemic has posed new challenges, as teachers have had to communicate with their students, facilitate learning processes and monitor students’ learning without being physically present. While teachers’ interactions with their students lie at the heart of the teaching and learning process, their relationships and interactions with their colleagues constitute a key professional dimension that has also been seriously affected by the pandemic. Collaboration with colleagues allows teachers to learn from each other’s expertise, share knowledge within their professional community and, ultimately, improve the instruction and support they can give to their students.

English Also available in: French

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