Personalising Education
Personalisation of education can mean many things and raises profound questions about the purposes of and possibilities for education. What are the policy challenges to be addressed in furthering personalisation? What do the learning sciences, including burgeoning research into brain functioning, have to contribute in pointing the way ahead? What are the constraints imposed by key stakeholders in education systems – including teachers, parents and employers, and how should these be met? Such questions are addressed in this new volume in the OECD's Schooling for Tomorrow series, with contributors from Canada, Denmark, France, Germany and the United Kingdom.
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Brain Research and Learning over the Life Cycle
Centre for Educational Research and Innovation
Spitzer’s argument is that brain research not only shows that we are born for learning and do it for our entire life, but also shows the conditions for successful learning and differences in learning at different stages of life. The time has come, he says, to use this understanding for shaping the learning environments and learning programmes; we can no longer afford to treat the most important resource that we have, our brain, as if we knew nothing about how it works. Thus, it is important to create the conditions for transferring insights from basic studies of learning in brain research to the practice of teaching. His discussion is organised around the following themes: from examples to rules; mechanisms for learning; phases, stages and windows; schooling and learning for life; emotions and learning; the decreasing rate of learning with age; learning, age and wisdom.
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