Making Education Count for Development

Data Collection and Availability in Six PISA for Development Countries

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This report reviews the collection, availability and quality of system-level data and metadata on education from countries participating in the PISA for Development project: Cambodia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Paraguay, Senegal and Zambia. PISA for Development aims to increase low income countries’ use of PISA assessments for monitoring progress towards national goals for improving education and for analysing the factors associated with student learning outcomes, particularly among poor and marginalised populations. The project also helps track progress towards the international education targets defined in the Education 2030 Framework for Action, which the international community adopted in 2015 as the strategy for achieving the Education Sustainable Development Goal (SDG).

The report suggests technically sound and viable options for improving data quality, completeness and international comparability in the six countries that are reviewed. It also provides insights into overcoming some of the challenges common to countries that participate in PISA for Development and to other middle income and low income countries.


Guatemala and the PISA for Development system-level questionnaire

This chapter provides a detailed assessment of the current state of data collection and availability, in terms of quality and completeness, at the level of the national education system in Guatemala. It shows that Guatemala is in a good position to respond to the system-level questionnaire: each data table in the questionnaire has an institution assigned to it to collect the requested information; and metadata are all based on well-known legislation (national law or administrative norms) while the data are regularly based on advanced information systems. Challenges include providing data on instruction time, on the duration of pre-primary education according to ISCED levels of education, and on educational expenditure.


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