Leadership for 21st Century Learning
This is the latest of the influential series of OECD reports on Innovative Learning Environments. “Learning leadership” is fundamental because it is about setting direction, taking responsibility for putting learning at the centre and keeping it there. This becomes increasingly complex in 21st century settings, calling for innovation and going beyond the heroics of individual leaders. Many need to be involved, bringing in diverse partners at different levels.
This is all explored in this volume. It clarifies the concepts and the dimensions of learning leadership, relating it to extensive international research and identifying promising strategies to promote it. Specific examples are drawn from Austria, Australia, Canada, Israel, Norway, Singapore, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States. There is an extensive overview that addresses the “why, what, how, who, where, and when” of learning leadership. Among the international experts contributing to this volume are James Spillane, John MacBeath, Louise Stoll, and Clive Dimmock.
This report will prove to be a valuable resource for all those interested in schooling. It will be of particular interest to teachers and teacher educators, advisors and researchers, the voluntary sector and teacher associations, and, first and foremost, education leaders themselves.
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Leadership for 21st century learning in Singapore's high-performing schools
Centre for Educational Research and Innovation
This chapter by Clive Dimmock, Dennis Kwek, and Yancy Toh presents a model for developing learning-centred leadership appropriate for the 21st century. The approach is the “school design model”, employing a distinctive “backward mapping” or iterative methodology. It starts with “21st century knowledge and skills” covering global awareness, health literacy, creativity, financial and economic literacy, citizenship, critical thinking and problem-solving, and digital literacy. It then moves to the corresponding teaching, learning and support systems covering curriculum, teaching and pedagogy, assessment and standards, organisational structures, teacher professional development, and culture and environment. Finally, it maps leadership onto this, understood as learning-centred, emphasising leadership of curricula, teaching and learning; distributed thereby empowering teachers and building capacity; and community networked, and so benefiting from the resources of other schools and the community. The chapter applies the model in detail to two case-study schools in Singapore that for more than a decade have practised learning-centred leadership.
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