Is Education Losing the Race with Technology?
AI's Progress in Maths and Reading
Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) are ushering in a large and rapid technological transformation. Understanding how AI capabilities relate to human skills and how they develop over time is crucial for understanding this process.
In 2016, the OECD assessed AI capabilities with the OECD’s Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC). The present report follows up the earlier study, collecting expert judgements in 2021 on whether computers can solve the PIAAC literacy and numeracy tests. It is part of a comprehensive ongoing project on assessing AI.
This study shows that AI could potentially outperform large shares of the population on PIAAC – 90% of adults in literacy and 57-88% of adults in numeracy. AI’s literacy capabilities had improved considerably since the 2016 assessment. According to experts, AI will solve the entire literacy and numeracy tests by 2026.
These findings have important implications for employment and education. Large shares of the workforce use literacy and numeracy skills daily at work with a proficiency comparable or below that of computers. AI could affect the literacy- and numeracy-related tasks of these workers. In this context, education systems should strengthen the foundation skills of students and workers and teach them to work together with AI.
Les progrès de l’intelligence artificielle (IA) ouvrent la voie à une transformation technologique vaste et rapide. Pour appréhender correctement ce processus en cours, il est impératif de comprendre comment les capacités de l’IA sont liées aux compétences humaines et comment elles se développent au fil du temps. Savoir de quoi l’IA est capable en comparaison aux humains peut permettre de mieux prédire quelles sont les compétences qui risquent de devenir obsolètes et celles qui pourraient au contraire acquérir davantage d’importance dans les années à venir. Cette connaissance sera de nature à aider les responsables publics à réformer leurs systèmes d’enseignement afin de préparer au mieux les élèves à l’avenir qui les attend et offrir aux adultes la possibilité de renouveler leurs compétences.
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