Improving School Leadership, Volume 1

Policy and Practice

image of Improving School Leadership, Volume 1

As countries strive to reform education systems and improve student results, school leadership is high on education policy agendas. But in many countries, the men and women who run schools are overburdened, underpaid and near retirement. And few people are lining up for their jobs. Based on an OECD study of school leadership practices and policies around the world, and offering a unique cross country perspective, this book identifies four policy levers and a range of policy options to help governments improve school leadership now and build sustainable leadership for the future.

English Also available in: French, Spanish, Estonian, Lithuanian

Distributing school leadership

This chapter explores the distribution of leadership among different people or groups at the school level as another key policy strategy for improving school leadership. The evidence shows that different staff in schools and school boards participate in different ways in the roles and responsibilities defined in the previous chapter and that they can make a difference to school outcomes. There is recognition that school leadership teams, rather than just one person, play a vital role in school development and that a clearer definition of the roles and their distribution can contribute to increased effectiveness and better provision for future leadership. The context must always be kept in mind, as there may be different roles depending on the size, location and level of schools and the socioeconomic background of the students.

English Also available in: French

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