Highlights from Education at a Glance 2008
Highlights from Education at a Glance 2008 is an introduction to OECD’s collection of internationally comparable data on education and learning. It includes data on enrolment and attainment, impacts on jobs and incomes, educational spending, class size and instruction time, and performance of education systems.
Each indicator is presented on a two-page spread. The left-hand page explains the significance of the indicator, discusses the main findings, examines key trends and provides readers with a roadmap for finding out more in the OECD education databases and in other OECD education publications. The right-hand page contains clearly presented charts and tables, accompanied by dynamic hyperlinks (StatLinks) that direct readers to the corresponding data in Excel™ format.
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Has spending per student increased?
Centre for Educational Research and Innovation
This indicator looks at whether spending on education has increased – or otherwise – in recent years. Policy makers are under constant pressure to find ways of improving the quality of educational services while expanding access to educational opportunities, notably at the tertiary level. Over time, spending on educational institutions does indeed tend to rise, in large part because teachers’ salaries rise in line with general earnings. However, if rising unit costs are not accompanied by increasing outcomes, it raises the spectre of falling productivity levels.
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