Entrepreneurship and Higher Education

image of Entrepreneurship and Higher Education
Stimulating innovative and growth-oriented entrepreneurship is a key economic and societal challenge to which universities and colleges have much to contribute. This book examines the role that higher education institutions are currently playing through teaching entrepreneurship and transferring knowledge and innovation to enterprises and discusses how they should develop this role in the future. The key issues, approaches and trends are analysed and compared across a range of countries, from the experiences of the most entrepreneurial universities in North America to advanced European models and emerging practices in Central and Eastern Europe.

It is clear that entrepreneurship engagement is a rapidly expanding and evolving aspect of higher education that requires proper support and development. The book stresses the need to expand existing entrepreneurship efforts and introduce more creative and effective approaches, building on the best practices highlighted from around the world. It will provide inspiration for those in higher education seeking to expand and improve their entrepreneurship teaching and knowledge-transfer activities, and for policy makers who wish to provide appropriate support initiatives and frameworks.


Entrepreneurship Education for Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe

As the former Soviet Bloc countries transform their economies, significant cultural, legal, political and institutional forces continue to constrain entrepreneurship. This chapter examines the role that entrepreneurship education can play in creating momentum for change. It starts by examining entrepreneurship education in turn in the United States, in leading European OECD countries, and in Central and Eastern Europe, noting major differences in how these countries value entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs. The discussion then turns to an assessment of the impact of entrepreneurship education. Finally, lessons are drawn on how to improve entrepreneurship education in Central, east and south east European countries, including through introducing innovative curricula and interactive teaching methods.


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