OECD Education Policy Perspectives
The OECD Directorate for Education and Skills helps countries compare their education policies and experiences, and learn from each other through large scale assessment and surveys and comparative policy analysis. This policy papers series presents analysis for policy makers, practitioners and researchers on a wide range of policy issues covered at OECD: from pre-primary to higher education, from policy design to implementation, from student performance and well-being, to teacher training and practices, to school resources.
- ISSN: 22260943 (online)
- https://doi.org/10.1787/5cc2d673-en
Education Policy Outlook in Spain
This country policy profile on education in Spain is part of the Education Policy Outlook series. Building on the first country policy profile for Spain (2014), it offers a concise analysis of where the education system stands today in terms of strengths, challenges and ongoing policy efforts, and how this compares to other systems. The profile brings together over a decade's worth of policy analysis by the Education Policy Outlook, as well as the latest OECD data, relevant thematic and country-specific work and other international and national evidence.
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