Education at a Glance 2023 Sources, Methodologies and Technical Notes
This publication provides additional reference material for Education at a Glance 2023, the authoritative source for data on the state of education around the world. It provides guidance on the data and methodology used to calculate each indicator. It also contains references to the sources and specific notes for each country.
Source, methodology and technical notes for Chapter B
Data generally refer to the school year 2020/21. Statistics that relate participation data to population data are published for the reference date that was used by national authorities for these statistics. It is assumed that age references in the enrolment data refer to 1 January of the reference year. For Australia, 30 June is used as the reference date for ages in both enrolments and population data for all education levels except pre-primary, which has the reference date 1 July for enrolments. For Japan, 1 April is used as the reference date for ages in population data and 1 May is used as the reference date for enrolments. For the United States, 1 October is used as the reference date for ages in enrolments data, but the reference date for ages in population data is 31 October.
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