Education at a Glance 2001
OECD Indicators
Centre for Educational Research and Innovation
This 2001 edition of Education at a Glance - OECD Indicators provides a rich, comparable and up-to-date array of indicators. The indicators represent the consensus of professional thinking on how to measure the current state of education internationally. They provide information on the human and financial resources invested in education, on how education and learning systems operate and evolve, and on the returns to educational investments. The thematic organisation of the volume and the background information accompanying the tables and charts make this publication a valuable resource for anyone interested in analysing education systems across countries.
This year's edition of Education at a Glance includes new indicators on: how the levels and distributions of student achievement have evolved; the incentive structures governments offer to attract and retain qualified teachers; the availability and use of information and communication technologies in the teaching-learning process; public subsidies and transfers for education and their beneficiaries; and participation in skill improvement among the employed population.
Finally, for many indicators, a significantly larger number of OECD countries are now providing data. Through the World Education Indicators programme, a wide range of non-member countries have also contributed to this year’s edition of Education at a Glance, extending the coverage of some of the indicators to almost two-thirds of the world population.
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