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Education is a powerful force in building the new Russia: it can help its citizens meet the challenges of the new, emerging democratic society; develop in its labour force the talents, skills and dispositions required in the new economic and social setting; and harmonise national aims with regional concerns. The challenge to the education system in the Russian Federation is especially great because so many other social and economic systems are undergoing transition and reform simultaneously. Against the present context of fluid and uncertain conditions and significant financial constraint, school policies need to promote and support the adaptation and restructuring of curricula while reinforcing evident strengths in current provision and fostering the development of new, effective partnerships at national, regional and local levels.

This report describes the most recent trends in schooling and education policy in the Russian Federation, and analyses the education reform initiatives under way. While supporting the overall policy trends now under way, its recommendations draw attention to particular problems and share new perspectives as well as identify ways to consolidate the ongoing reforms. Recommendations are offered for education goals, access and opportunity for all; curriculum and assessment; teachers and teacher education; reforming vocational and technical education within a changing economy; and management, finance and the role of government.

  • 19 May 1998
  • OECD
  • Pages: 202

In the last 40 years, educational provision in Korea has grown at a rate unprecedented among OECD countries. Modern systems of education and training have been created, and rates of expansion have kept pace with demand for elementary, secondary, university and other forms of tertiary education. Despite these impressive gains, the Korean education system needs improvements to respond positively and creatively to the challenges of globalisation, the electronic revolution and the advent of society based on knowledge and information.

This review covers the entire education and training system, including vocational and tertiary education. It assesses the main directions of the reform proposals put forward by the Presidential Commission on Educational Reform in May 1995. It makes recommendations for improvements in such key areas as: access to education and training opportunities within the context of lifelong learning; quality of learning to foster creativity at all levels; improving the inner dynamics of the education and training system to provide a reformed, decentralised system; and the knowledge and information base for the effective performance of the education and training system.

  • 30 Sept 1998
  • OECD
  • Pages: 120

OECD's 1998 review of Italy's education system.  It finds that a major reform of the entire Italian education and training system is in progress, aiming at the improvement and integration of learning in schools, universities and regional training institutions in order to respond to changing social and economic demands for knowledge, skills and qualifications. Fundamental changes will include the decentralisation of administrative responsibilities and increased school autonomy, enabling the grassroot actors in education and training to respond more flexibly to the diversity of individual, local and enterprise needs and to utilise more effectively available funds and technologies. Central elements in the reform will also provide evaluation and increased accountability across the system.

The OECD examiners support these objectives and suggest a number of strategies to strengthen the implementation of the reform goals. They underline the need for broad societal agreement on these goals and the mobilisation of all the parties involved in order to achieve the wide-ranging changes which are envisaged.

  • 07 Oct 1998
  • OECD
  • Pages: 147

Given the current trends and developments across OECD Member countries, a new and dynamic vision for tertiary education is called for. Higher levels of participation at the tertiary level, driven strongly by demands reflecting the diverse interests of students, employers and society at large, have created challenges which must be met. How should tertiary education better respond to the interests and choices of clients, students foremost among them? What should be done to adapt teaching methods or restructure the curricula? How should the needs of those not currently served in the first years of tertiary education be addressed? How should governments interact with large, diverse tertiary education systems, comprised of varied and increasingly autonomous providers? This volume also examines how best to mobilize the energies and expertise of staffs and institutions as well as partners, and how to secure adequate resources and improve efficiency in the face of greater competition for public funds.

The findings, analyses and conclusions presented in this publication will serve as a basis for debate, reflection and exchange as all parties seek to strengthen and extend the contributions of tertiary education to economic and social well-being for all.


The speed, nature and uncertainty of economic, social and political developments in the Russian Federation continue to pose enormous challenges for tertiary education and research activities in universities, higher level vocational schools and institutes of the academies of sciences. These challenges are shaping the strategies for needed reforms to widen further learning opportunities at the tertiary education level, improve the quality and extend the reach of research and boost the contributions of tertiary-level education and research to improved economic performance and social well-being. This book is based on one of the most recent, broadly-based and forward-looking analyses of these developments and pressures and takes account of the specific structures, strengths and traditions in tertiary education and research in the Russian Federation. It offers a set of general directions and specific recommendations for policies to address key issues of access, quality and standards in teaching; new directions to diversify and deliver tertiary education; the quality of research in academic and research establishments; and reforms in the governance, management and financing of teaching and research. This review of tertiary education and research policies follows an earlier examination of general education, Reviews of National Policies for Education: Russian Federation.

  • 29 May 2000
  • OECD
  • Pages: 162

Reform of education, training and human resource development is an integral part of the transition to a democratic society and market economy. Romania has made progress in all these areas since reform began in 1990. Still, the real impetus for change is more recent and can be dated to the publication of The Reform of Education Now by the Ministry of National Education in 1997. The Ministry’s challenge has been to promote and support changes that meet the needs of the new economy and society as well as the interests of all young people and adults, in the face of a shortage of financial and human resources. The book first gives a brief history of education in Romania and describes the development of education in the country since the political changes. It then presents an analysis of the entire education system and identifies key directions for the reinforcement of the reforms in light of the challenges faced by officials, communities, enterprises, educators, parents and students under very dynamic and uncertain conditions. It concludes with a set of key recommendations on education goals and the transition; learning effectiveness, outcomes and the curriculum; management and governance for flexibility, responsiveness and change; and resources and financing. This review will be very useful to both Romanian professionals and their international counterparts.

  • 11 Jun 2001
  • OECD
  • Pages: 206

OECD's 2001 review of Estonia's education system. Reform of education, training and human resource development is an integral part of the transition to a democratic society and market economy. This report finds that Estonia has made progress in all these areas since reform began in 1990. The challenge for the Ministry of Education has been to promote and support changes that meet the needs of the new economy and society as well as the interests of all young people and adults, in the face of a shortage of financial and human resources. This book first gives a brief overview of regional issues and a history of education in Estonia and describes the development of education in the country since the political changes. It then presents an analysis of the entire education system and identifies key directions for the reinforcement of the reforms in light of the challenges encountered by officials, communities, enterprises, educators, parents and students under very dynamic conditions. It concludes with a set of key recommendations of goals of education, learning effectiveness, outcomes and the curriculum, management and governance for flexibility, responsiveness and change, and resources and financing.

  • 11 Jun 2001
  • OECD
  • Pages: 180

OECD's 2001 review of Latvia's education policies and programmes.  It finds that reform of education, training and human resource development is an integral part of the transition to a democratic society and market economy. Latvia has made progress in all these areas since reform began in 1990. The challenge for the Ministry of Education and Science has been to promote and support changes that meet the needs of the new economy and society as well as the interests of all young people and adults, in the face of a shortage of financial and human resources. This book first gives a brief overview of regional issues and a history of education in Latvia and describes the development of education in the country since the political changes. It then presents an analysis of the entire education system and identifies key directions for the reinforcement of the reforms in light of the challenges encountered by officials, communities, enterprises, educators, parents and students under very dynamic conditions. It concludes with a set of key recommendations of goals of education, learning effectiveness, outcomes and the curriculum, management and governance for flexibility, responsiveness and change, and resources and financing.

  • 14 Feb 2002
  • OECD
  • Pages: 273

Reform of education, training and human resource development is an integral part of the transition to a democratic society and market economy. Lithuania has made progress in all these areas since reform began in 1990. The challenge for the Ministry of Education and Science has been to promote and support changes that meet the needs of the new economy and society as well as the interests of all young people and adults, in the face of a shortage of financial and human resources.

This book first gives a brief overview of regional issues and a history of education in Lithuania and describes the development of education in the country since the political changes. It then presents an analysis of the entire education system and identifies key directions for the reinforcement of the reforms in light of the challenges encountered by officials, communities, enterprises, educators, parents and students under very dynamic conditions. It concludes with a set of key recommendations of goals of education, learning effectiveness, outcomes and the curriculum, management and governance for flexibility, responsiveness and change and, resources and financing. This review will be very useful to both Lithuanian professionals and their international counterparts.

  • 03 Sept 2002
  • OECD
  • Pages: 152

Today’s university students are drawn from a highly diverse set of backgrounds. Students appear in various guises as citizens, consumers, and clients. They are fitting university study around increasingly busy lives, often alongside paid employment. In many countries students are paying more for their university education, and expect high levels of standards and service.

Universities are institutions with multiple roles, and must balance the needs and demands of their students with the expectations placed upon them by government, industry and the wider community. Such a balance must be struck in the face of increasing pressure on university budgets. Effective action to meet student expectations therefore poses major management challenges for universities.

This volume arises from two seminars, held in Brisbane and Paris respectively, to examine some of the key issues facing universities as they confront these challenges. It offers perspectives and experience drawn from contributors from Australia, Europe and Canada, including the views of student leaders.


Norway is a test-bed for the implementation of a bold vision of lifelong learning. There is broad and strong political support within Norway for lifelong learning as a next logical step for a highly developed country with a highly educated population, confronted with challenges ranging from economic re-structuring, to an ageing workforce, the contradictions of labour shortages and increased leisure time, and an increasingly diverse society. But even in Norway the institutional arrangements and policies fall short of a systemic approach to lifelong learning. The most obvious shortcomings concern adults where there are daunting issues regarding the governance and finance of adult learning. Leadership is a vexed issue insofar as successful implementation depends on concerted action by several ministries as well as the social partners. Choice, equity and quality are in many cases conflicting objectives and difficult trade-offs have to be resolved. Norway is advanced, relative to other countries, in the development of new politics regarding the knowledge society. Indeed, it can be argued that if lifelong learning is to succeed anywhere, Norway is one of the most likely places in view of its history of reforms, co-operation among bodies, high educational standards and outcomes. Lessons from the experience with this approach can be usefully applied in other settings. This study is divided into two parts: the background report (which was prepared by the Norwegian authorities) and the OECD Examiners' report.


Following the initial report on the results of the first PISA survey, this report looks more closely at performance in reading. It shows reading literacy levels of students aged 15, in 32 countries, in terms of how well they can use written materials to meet the challenges of the real world and to become lifelong learners. This book will help readers understand better the factors associated with reading well in the modern world.

German, French

In the early 1990s, in the midst of a major economic slump, the Finnish government embarked on a strategy to re-mold Finland into a knowledge society. This report prepared for the OECD by an independent group of experts raises issues of fees for higher education, examines strategies for internationalisation of higher education, addresses issues of governance and accountability in higher education and offers advice on how the new system could be strengthened further.


OECD reviews of national education policies provide a well-established means for member countries to engage their peers in reviewing their country’s policies. This report is divided into two parts: a background report, prepared by the Swiss authorities, and the OECD examiners’ report. This review makes recommendations for further improvements to the tertiary education system in Switzerland as it grapples with national and global challenges emerging from the transition to a knowledge society. 

German, French

Educational work is a key element for both human capital formation and the promotion of peace and democratic values. It has therefore been identified as one of the priorities of the Stability Pact. The OECD was asked to be Co-ordinator for “General Education Policy and System Change” within the Education and Youth Task Force, and to carry out “Thematic Reviews of Education Policy” in the countries of the region. The main outcome of this project is a series of reports which provide both country overviews and a regional overview. These reports offer an analysis of the education system and address issues and barriers to reform and recommendations. The recommendations are designed to be of use for national policy-makers and to assist Stability Pact partner countries and institutions target regional assistance in order to achieve the goal of supporting South Eastern Europe towards European integration. These reports are part of the OECD’s ongoing co-operation with non-member economies around the world.


Educational work is a key element for both human capital formation and the promotion of peace and democratic values. It has therefore been identified as one of the priorities of the Stability Pact. The OECD was asked to be Co-ordinator for “General Education Policy and System Change” within the Education and Youth Task Force, and to carry out “Thematic Reviews of Education Policy” in the countries of the region. The main outcome of this project is a series of reports which provide both country overviews and a regional overview. These reports offer an analysis of the education system and address issues and barriers to reform and recommendations. The recommendations are designed to be of use for national policy-makers and to assist Stability Pact partner countries and institutions target regional assistance in order to achieve the goal of supporting South Eastern Europe towards European integration. These reports are part of the OECD’s ongoing co-operation with non-member economies around the world.

  • 30 Jan 2004
  • OECD
  • Pages: 180

This book gives an overview of the Bulgarian education system and describes its development since its development over the past decade. It provides an analysis of the entire education system, and identifies key directions for the reinforcement of the reform process in light of the challenges encountered by officials, communities, enterprises, educators, parents and students under rather difficult conditions.

  • 12 Feb 2004
  • OECD
  • Pages: 284

Reviews of National Policies for Education: Chile covers the entire system of Chilean education from pre-school through tertiary education and lifelong learning for all, and analyses it in terms of its economic, social and political impact. 

French, Spanish
  • 03 Jun 2004
  • OECD
  • Pages: 307

La educación ha sido una prioridad central para Chile desde el retorno a la democracia en 1990. Gracias a un sostenido crecimiento económico y a un compromiso por aumentar la inversión pública en educación, Chile ha realizado mejoramientos claves en su sistema educacional en este período. Una reforma reciente asegura doce años de escolaridad obligatoria y gratis para todos los niños de Chile. La matrícula en educación secundaria se ha expandido rápidamente y los salarios de los profesores han aumentado en un 140%. Si continúan las tendencias actuales, más de 800.000 estudiantes ingresarán a la educación superior en 2010. Chile ha logrado mucho en un corto período de tiempo. Ha mejorado la calidad de la educación y el acceso a todos sus niveles, convirtiéndose así en el país líder de América Latina en este aspecto.

Revisión de Políticas Nacionales de Educación: Chile cubre todo el sistema de educación del país, desde la educación parvularia a la educación superior y también el aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida para todos. Asimismo, analiza el sistema en términos de su impacto económico, social y político.

Esta revisión está basada en la permanente cooperación con las economías no miembros de todo el mundo. Es particularmente interesante tanto para aquellos profesionales involucrados en políticas educacionales, como para los  que trabajan directamente en el sistema educacional de Chile.

English, French

The results of PISA 2000, OECD's groundbreaking comparison of the educational outcomes of 15-year-olds, shook the belief of Danes that theirs was the best education system in the world.  In this report, a team of examiners determines why Denmark did worse than expected and recommends a series of steps to better evaluate performance, to overcome the effects of family backgrounds on student outcomes, to better equip school leaders and teachers, and to enhance the flexibility of the agreement governing tasks and hours of school staff.

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