Back to the Future of Education
Four OECD Scenarios for Schooling
Close your eyes for a second and think of something that happened over the last 20 years and you would have never expected to occur. Be it the pandemic, smart phones or something else, the truth is that the future likes to surprise us.
Our world is in a perpetual state of change. There are always multiple versions of the future—some are assumptions, others hopes and fears. To prepare, we have to consider not only the changes that appear most probable, but also the ones that we aren’t expecting.
Inspired by the ground-breaking 2001 Schooling for Tomorrow scenarios, this book provides a set of scenarios on the future of schooling, showing not a single path into the future, but many. Using these scenarios can help us identify the opportunities and challenges that these futures could hold for schooling and education more broadly. We can then use those ideas to help us better prepare and act now.
Whether parents or students, teachers or educational leaders, researchers or policy makers, this book has been written for all those who want to think about futures that haven’t occurred to play their part in shaping the future that will.
Also available in: German
Resum executiu
Sempre hi ha múltiples versions del futur: algunes són suposicions, altres esperances i temors. Estar preparats pel futur significa considerar no només els canvis que semblen més probables, sinó també aquells que no esperàvem. El 2020, la pandèmia de la COVID-19 ens ha recordat que les còmodes expectatives que tenim sobre el futur poden canviar d’un moment a l’altre. Retorn al Futur de l’Educació: Quatre Escenaris de l’OCDE per l’Escolarització és una eina per fomentar i recolzar el pensament estratègic a llarg termini en el sector educatiu. Aquests escenaris, inspirats en els escenaris innovadors que l'OCDE va publicar el 2001, poden ajudar-nos a identificar oportunitats i desafiaments potencials i a analitzar el nostre nivell de resiliència contra xocs inesperats. Els escenaris ens ajuden a anticipar possibles futurs per prendre millors decisions en el present.
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