2021 OECD Economic Surveys: Sweden 2021

image of OECD Economic Surveys: Sweden 2021

Resolute policy action to protect households and businesses has mitigated the pandemic’s toll on the Swedish economy, which nevertheless contracted sharply in 2020. Growth is picking up on the back of strong manufacturing activity and exports, while vaccination brings hope for a gradual return to normality in sectors requiring face-to-face interaction. Nevertheless, fiscal support and accommodative monetary policy will remain necessary until the recovery is well established. Government measures to expand education and training and to enhance job matching, along with the implementation of the labour market reforms agreed by the social partners, will help employment recover, particularly among the most vulnerable groups, which have been worst hit by the pandemic. Fostering inclusive growth throughout Sweden will require upgrading the sub-national government fiscal framework, enhancing public service efficiency, especially through digitalisation, and promoting regional convergence further, especially by strengthening the role of universities in regional knowledge and innovation networks.


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