Productivity Measurement and Analysis

image of Productivity Measurement and Analysis

Productivity measurement and analysis are the main topics addressed in this book, which brings together contributions presented and discussed in two international workshops organized by the Statistics Directorate and the Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry (DSTI) of the OECD. The first workshop was organised jointly by the OECD with Fundaccion BBVA and the Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas and held in Madrid in October 2005, and the second one was organized jointly by the OECD and the Swiss Federal Statistical Office and the State Secretary for Economic Affairs of Switzerland and held in Bern in October 2006. The two workshops brought together representatives of statistical offices, central banks and other branches of government in OECD countries that are engaged in the analysis and the measurement of productivity developments at aggregate and industry levels.


New Technologies and the Growth of Capital Services

A Sensitivity Analysis for the Italian Economy over 1980–2003

The outstanding progress in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) witnessed in the past decade seems to have had a remarkable role in fostering economic growth both in developed and developing countries (Vu, 2004). However measuring and assessing the impact of ICT on economic growth is still a challenging task for most economies. The developments of the new economy have raised many essential questions about the measurement of intangible assets and high-technology capital. Indeed the answer to these questions can lead to better assessment of the economy’s long run pace of economic growth and rate of technological advance.


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