OECD Economic Surveys: Slovak Republic 2010
OECD's periodic survey of the economy of the Slovak Republic. This edition includes chapters covering emerging from the crisis, public sector efficiency and greener growth.
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Increasing public sector efficiency
Given the deterioration in public finances, there is now very little scope for higher spending. Raising public sector efficiency would free up resources and yields better outcomes with the same inputs, helping to stimulate productivity and thus potential growth. Raising efficiency in tax collection (notably VAT) is urgently needed, plans to unify the collection of tax and social security contributions should be implemented swiftly and drawing on EU funds needs to become more efficient. In addition, raising the efficiency in healthcare should be a priority. This involves dealing with the high out-of-pocket payments and reforming the remuneration structure of doctors. Pharmaceutical spending is excessive and can be reduced, notably by further fostering generic substitution. Impediments to competition among health insurance funds should be reconsidered and the risk-equalisation system should be improved.
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