2018 OECD Economic Surveys: Netherlands 2018

image of OECD Economic Surveys: Netherlands 2018

The Netherlands is experiencing strong growth and tight labour markets, with favourable economic prospects and sound public finances. But there are downward financial risks to the economic outlook and the country is exposed to Brexit. Looking forward, reforms are needed to move toward a more inclusive society in the context where digitalisation and globalisation will alter the functioning of the economy. The tax system needs to be streamlined to support growth, without increasing inequality. Labour-market inclusiveness could also be enhanced along several dimensions. A combination of tax and regulatory reforms would ensure a better job quality for the self-employed and workers on temporary contracts without discouraging these types of work. There is also scope to reduce the large gender gap in part time work and enhance skills of vulnerable workers. Finally, adressing population ageing will also require reforms to occupational pension plans and ensuring an adequate supply fo health professionals.



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