OECD Economic Surveys: Finland 2006
This 2006 edition of OECD's periodic survey of the Finnish economy opens with a general assessment of recent economic performance and key economic challenges. Among the challenges it addresses in more detail in succeeding chapters are ensuring fiscal sustainability in the face of imminent ageing, restricting early retirment to make the pension reform a success, increasing flexibility in centralised wage agreements, and using active and passive labour market measures to meet the employment target. This issue's special feature discusses reducing risks and improving policies in the housing market.
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Reducing Risks and Improving Policies
While pronounced cycles in house prices have been a major cause of macroeconomic instability in the past, current house price developments do not yet suggest an overheating of the housing market. However, several important concerns are related to both direct effects of housing markets on overall activity and to more structural and regional issues. A factor making housing markets and the macroeconomy vulnerable to interest-rate shocks is the high share of mortgage loans linked to variable interest rates.
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