OECD Economic Outlook, Volume 2023 Issue 2
The global economy continues to confront the challenges of persistent inflation and subdued growth prospects. GDP growth has been stronger than expected so far in 2023, but is now moderating as the impact of tighter financial conditions, weak trade growth and lower business and consumer confidence is increasingly felt. The slowdown is projected to be mild, with continued disinflation, but a growing divergence across economies is expected to persist in the near term. The Outlook underlines a range of risks, including the potential for disruptions to commodity markets and trade from heightened geopolitical tensions, uncertainty about the persistence of inflation, and the extent to which excess household savings will be run down. Key policy priorities are to ensure that inflation returns durably to target, address mounting fiscal pressures, revive global trade and improve the prospects for sustainable and inclusive growth in the medium term.
This issue includes an assessment of the global economic situation, and a chapter summarising developments and providing projections for each individual country. Coverage is provided for all OECD members as well as for selected partner economies.
Also available in: French
Estima-se que o PIB real cresça 3,0% em 2023, 1,8% em 2024 e 2,0% em 2025.. A atividade econômica apresentou uma forte recuperação no primeiro semestre de 2023, impulsionada pela safra agrícola notável e por um consumo doméstico resiliente. Apesar das condições financeiras restritivas, as despesas domésticas permanecerão fortes devido ao crescimento dinâmico do emprego, à queda da inflação e ao aumento das transferências sociais. O investimento privado apresentará uma recuperação leve ao longo de 2024 conforme a política monetária seja mais flexibilizada. Embora haja uma diminuição nos preços das commodities, os produtos agrícolas impulsionarão uma expansão contínua das exportações. A inflação caiu de forma acentuada ao longo de 2023 e se espera que permaneça na banda da meta de inflação durante o ano de 2024.
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