OECD Economic Outlook, Volume 2008 Issue 2
This December 2008 edition of the OECD Economic Outlook presents OECD's first set of economic analysis and projections since the financial crisis began. As always, it includes and overall assessment as well as individual country assessments for OECD and major non-OECD economies, and an extensive statistical annex. This edition's special feature covers responses to inflation shocks.
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External shocks from the run-up in commodity prices and then international financial turbulence have brought Japan’s expansion to an end. Equity prices have plummeted and the yen has appreciated substantially. With falling exports, activity is projected to remain weak through 2009, pushing up unemployment and reducing headline inflation to near zero. A recovery in domestic demand is projected to lift output growth to around 1% during 2010, still short of the growth of potential.
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