OECD Papers

OECD Papers provides access to a collection of substantive papers not published as books or articles in other OECD series or journals. All subjects are covered, from the latest OECD research on macroeconomics and economic policies, to work in areas as varied as employment, education, environment, trade, science and technology, development and taxation. OECD Papers are available on a subscription basis. Now a part of the OECD Journal

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French R&D on the Partitioning and Transmutation of Long-lived Radionuclides

An International Peer Review of the 2005 CEA Report

A review has been conducted, at the request of the French Authorities ministère de l’Industrie and ministère de la Recherche, of the first part of the CEA Report 2005 Les déchets radioactifs à haute activité et à vie longue – Recherches et résultats, that is Axe 1 – Séparation et transmutation des radionucléides à vie longue (CEA/DEN/DDIN/2004-642). This review has been organised by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) and carried out by an international review team (IRT) of independent specialists representing all the relevant aspects of chemical partitioning, transmutation and nuclear materials technology. The CEA Report 2005 (the Report) represents a key milestone in the programme of work for which the CEA is responsible under Area 1 of the Law of 30 December 1991 that is “research into solutions enabling long-lived radioactive elements present in waste to be partitioned and transmuted”...


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