OECD Journal: Journal of Business Cycle Measurement and Analysis

The Journal of Business Cycle Measurement and Analysis has been discontinued as of 24 June 2016. This journal was published jointly with CIRET from 2004 to 2015. For more information see www.ciret.org/jbcy.


Keywords: business tendency, economic measurement, economic statistics, cyclical indicators, business surveys, business cycles, economic research, business investment, consumer surveys, economic indicators, economic cycle, cyclical fluctuations, short-term, economic analysis

Forecasting Aggregated Time Series Variables

A Survey

Aggregated times series variables can be forecasted in different ways. For example, they may be forecasted on the basis of the aggregate series or forecasts of disaggregated variables may be obtained fi rst and then these forecasts may be aggregated. A number of forecasts are presented and compared. Classical theoretical results on the relative effi ciencies of different forecasts are reviewed and some complications are discussed which invalidate the theoretical results. Contemporaneous as well as temporal aggregation are considered. JEL classifi cation : C22, C32 Key Words : Autoregressive moving-average process, contemporaneous aggregation, temporal aggregation, vector autoregressive moving-average process


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