Economic Policy Reforms 2021

Going for Growth: Shaping a Vibrant Recovery

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Going for Growth 2021 identifies country-specific structural policy priorities for the recovery across OECD and key non-member countries (Argentina, Brazil, The People’s Republic of China, Costa Rica, India, Indonesia and South Africa). It frames the main policy challenges of the current juncture along three main areas: building resilience; facilitating reallocation and boosting productivity growth for all; and supporting people in transition. The publication also highlights priorities in areas necessitating increased international cooperation in order to manage cross border spillovers: health, climate change, trade and taxation challenges of digital economies.


Slovak Republic

The sectors most affected by the pandemic (i.e. tourism, retail, and construction) traditionally provide seasonal or temporary jobs for vulnerable workers, notably low-skilled, women, youth, and marginalised Roma. The pandemic highlights a need to strengthen skills across the population. This will improve employability of vulnerable groups, boost productivity, make the economy more resilient to future shocks and prepare it to make the most out of digitalisation.



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