OECD Statistics Working Papers

The OECD Statistics Working Paper Series - managed by the OECD Statistics and Data Directorate – is designed to make available in a timely fashion and to a wider readership selected studies prepared by staff in the Secretariat or by outside consultants working on OECD projects. The papers included are of a technical, methodological or statistical policy nature and relate to statistical work relevant to the organisation. The Working Papers are generally available only in their original language - English or French - with a summary in the other.

Joint Working Papers:

Testing the evidence, how good are public sector responsiveness measures and how to improve them? (with OECD Public Governance Directorate)

Measuring Well-being and Progress in Countries at Different Stages of Development: Towards a More Universal Conceptual Framework (with OECD Development Centre)

Measuring and Assessing Job Quality: The OECD Job Quality Framework (with OECD Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs)

Forecasting GDP during and after the Great Recession: A contest between small-scale bridge and large-scale dynamic factor models (with OECD Economics Directorate)

Decoupling of wages from productivity: Macro-level facts (with OECD Economics Directorate)

Which policies increase value for money in health care? (with OECD Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs)

Compiling mineral and energy resource accounts according to the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) 2012 (with OECD Environment Directorate)


Comparing Happiness across the World

Does Culture Matter?

The issue of cultural bias in subjective well-being data is often raised, but rarely well-documented. This paper reviews the main barriers to interpreting national differences in subjective well-being, noting the challenge of distinguishing between cultural bias (understood as measurement error) and cultural impact (where culture plays a more substantive role in shaping how people experience their lives). Several methods are then used to attempt to quantify the role of culture in subjective well-being, drawing on multiple waves of the Gallup World Poll, conducted in over 150 countries and territories. Regression analysis is used to identify country-specific fixed effects, which capture unexplained variance in subjective well-being at the country level, over and above a basic set of socio-economic and demographic controls. These country fixed effects then become the subject of three further investigations. The first examines whether survey measures of “cultural values” are able to explain the size and direction of country fixed effects; the second considers the evidence for international differences in “appraisal styles” (e.g. a more positive or negative outlook on life in general); and the third explores the “cultural transmission” of subjective well-being, focusing on the experiences of migrants to separate the effects of culture from those of broader life circumstances. The paper shows that, although life circumstances explain well the overall pattern of cross-country variation in subjective well-being, a gap is observed for some countries. Culture may account for some 20% of the country-specific unexplained variance. This combined effect of “cultural impact” and “cultural bias” is small when compared to the role of objective life circumstances in explaining subjective well-being outcomes.


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