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The second, third and fourth editions of the Frascati Manual, the OECD standard for measuring resources devoted to research and experimental development (R&D), published in 1970, 1976 and 1981, reflected on the accumulated experience of conducting national surveys and compiling international statistics comparing R&D efforts across countries. Successive editions improved, inter alia, the guidance’s alignment with other international statistical standards (2nd edition) and took into account how the data were being used. The scope of the manual was expanded to cover research in the social sciences and humanities (3rd edition). Greater stress was placed on “functional” classifications of R&D, such as socioeconomic objectives (3rd edition), and the specificities of higher education R&D (4th edition).

The second, third and fourth editions of the Frascati Manual, the OECD standard for measuring resources devoted to research and experimental development (R&D), published in 1970, 1976 and 1981, reflected on the accumulated experience of conducting national surveys and compiling international statistics comparing R&D efforts across countries. Successive editions improved, inter alia, the guidance’s alignment with other international statistical standards (2nd edition) and took into account how the data were being used. The scope of the manual was expanded to cover research in the social sciences and humanities (3rd edition). Greater stress was placed on “functional” classifications of R&D, such as socioeconomic objectives (3rd edition), and the specificities of higher education R&D (4th edition).

On the surface there is agreement, sustainable development refers to a broad set of issues, going beyond the relationship between the economy and the environment to encompass human and social concerns. Scratch the surface and you open a Pandora's box of differing notions of sustainability and means of achieving it. How can progress towards sustainable development be measured then? The major difficulty in developing indicators to track progress towards sustainable development is not the lack of data but rather the lack of frameworks to organise and synthesize existing information. This volume brings together a number of approaches to this question pursued in academia, national administrations and international organisations, as presented at an expert workshop held at the OECD headquarters in September 1999. These approaches include developments of the traditional national accounts system, construction of synthetic measures of sustainability such as "genuine savings", physical measures of material flows, and selections of indicators based on variants of the "pressure, state, response" model. This volume also reviews a number of initiatives undertaken within the OECD to monitor trends in the sustainability of specific sectors and sub-national areas.

This book provides a selection of papers presented at the Foreign Direct Investment in China’s Regional Development Conference, organised in Xian on 11-12 October 2001 at the request of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation.

The book reviews regional patterns of FDI inflows in China, investment requirements, opportunities in and comparative advantages of China’s regions, and details the types of FDI sought for the Chinese hinterland. It offers business perspectives with regard to what needs to be done. Lessons learned from experiences in Canada, Turkey, Germany and Brazil are discussed, with a particular focus on investment promotion and linkages with local enterprise development. The book concludes with policy messages relevant not only to China  but also to other countries striving to improve conditions for investment in their less-developed regions.

The internationally recognized methodology for collecting and using R&D statistics, the Frascati Manual is an essential tool for statisticians worldwide. It includes definitions of basic concepts, data collection guidelines, and classifications for compiling statistics.  This updated edition contains improved guidelines adjusted for changes in OECD economies, including measurement of service-sector R&D, R&D globalisation, and R&D human resources.

Korean, French, Chinese, Lithuanian, Portuguese, All
  • 27 Jan 2004
  • OECD, International Monetary Fund
  • Pages: 169

Foreign Direct Investment Statistics: How Countries Measure FDI shows progress in recent years in moving toward compilation in accordance with international standards that have been established by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

This report also provides information on the current practices regarding the statistical measurement of FDI of 61 countries, with the aim of improving users’ understanding of the methodology applied for compiling the data.

Teikiame skaitytojams Ekonominio bendradarbiavimo ir plëtros organizacijos (EBPO) leidinio Frascati Manual 2002: Proposed Standard Practice for Surveys on Research and Experimental Development (já trumpai vadinsime Frascati vadovu) vertimà á lietuviø kalbà. Ðis leidinys, kaip ir kelios ankstesnës Frascati vadovo versijos, yra parengtas EBPO darbo grupës ir yra skirtas detaliai apibrëþti sàvokà „moksliniai tyrimai ir eksperimentinë plëtra“ (MTEP), nustatyti rodiklius, kuriais matuojamas MTEP veiklos intensyvumas, ir parodyti, kokias veiklas galima (ir reikia) ar negalima priskirti MTEP.

Polish, Korean, French, Portuguese, English, All

The internationally recognized methodology for collecting and using R&D statistics, the Frascati Manual is an essential tool for statisticians worldwide. It includes definitions of basic concepts, data collection guidelines, and classifications for compiling statistics. This updated edition contains improved guidelines adjusted for chnges in OECD economies, including measurement of service-sector R&D, R&D globalisation, and R&D human resources.

Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, English, Korean, All
  • 28 Jul 2010
  • Patrick Love
  • Pages: 152

The fish on your plate may have been caught by a high-tech trawler, trapped by a lone fisher, farmed along with tons of others, or even stolen by pirates. It may have been captured in the South Atlantic, landed in Europe, and processed in China. Globalisation, North-South relations, changing attitudes and lifestyles, and the way we manage natural resources all influence fisheries.

This book uses the expertise of the OECD to assess these issues, and describes the challenges facing those who work in the industry. Apart from the fishers themselves and their families, it also draws on the points of view of NGOs, government specialists, scientists and independent experts.

This book includes StatLinks, URLs under graphs and tables linking to Excel® spreadsheets showing the underlying data

"We at International Aquafeed would recommend this to anyone involved in marine fishing and even to those in aquaculture to and aqua policy development as a foundation document for future decision-making. Well done Patrick Love."
                                                                                   -The Aquaculturists Blog

French, Spanish
  • 10 Sept 2010
  • Brian Keeley, Patrick Love
  • Pages: 146

How did the sharpest global slowdown in more than six decades happen, and how can recovery be made sustainable? OECD Insights: From Crisis to Recovery traces the causes, course and consequences of the “Great Recession”. It explains how a global build up of liquidity, coupled with poor regulation, created a financial crisis that quickly began to make itself felt in the real economy, destroying businesses and raising unemployment to its highest levels in decades. The worst of the crisis now looks to be over, but a swift return to strong growth appears unlikely and employment will take several years to get back to pre-crisis levels. High levels of public and private debt mean cutbacks and saving are likely to become the main priority, meaning the impact of the recession will continue to be felt for years to come.

French, Spanish
  • 08 Apr 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 120

This lavishly illustrated book tells the story of the development of the OECD from the founding of its predecessor organisation, the OEEC after World War II, to the transformation into the OECD in 1960, and its evolution since that time. Covering the stewardship of 6 Secretaries-General over a period of 50 years, the book describes what OECD does and how it does it.  An interesting chapter on a Day in the Life of a Chateau, tracks a typical day for a variety of OECD staffers, illustrating the breadth and variety of what people do at the OECD.  

  • 04 Aug 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 140

Recent global shocks, such as the 2008 financial crisis, have driven policy makers and industry strategists to re-examine how to prepare for and respond to events that can begin locally and propagate around the world with devastating effects on society and the economy. This report considers how the growing interconnectedness in the global economy could create the conditions and vectors for rapid and widespread disruptions. It looks at examples of hazards and threats that emerge from the financial world, cyberspace, biological systems and even the solar system, to reflect on what strategic capacities are called for to improve assessment, mapping, modelling, response  and resilience to such large scale risks.  


  • 25 Jun 2012
  • Brian Keeley
  • Pages: 188

The balance of economic power is shifting. Countries that were once poor are becoming economic powerhouses. Yet poverty persists worldwide, depriving billions of people of basic necessities and the prospects of creating a better life. How are we responding to this challenge? This book explores the multi-faceted world of aid and development co-operation – a range of global, and sometimes contested, efforts aimed at reducing the impact of poverty. It traces the history of these efforts, explains where they come from and where they are going, and asks whether they are achieving as much as they could. It also examines some of the ways in which development efforts can be made more effective in achieving lasting benefits through good governance and the creation of a deeper partnership between developed and developing countries. And it looks at how the economic emergence of countries like China and India is bringing a new dynamic to development co-operation.

French, Spanish
  • 28 Nov 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 91

This report summarizes key recent key finds by the OECD relative to the French economy. Overall it finds that productivity is high but not dynamic enough to sustain growth. In particular, it looks at boosting research and encouraging innovation, strengthening competition and the regualtory framework, making the public sector more efficient, reforming taxation to promote employment and investment, improving the performance of the education system and vocational training and improving the functioning of the housing market.


Tras un período de crecimiento relativamente sólido, que permitió a decenas de millones de hogares pobres incorporarse a la clase media, el crecimiento en América Latina se ha desacelerado, en parte como resultado de factores externos. Para cerrar las brechas —aún amplias— respecto de los niveles de vida de las economías avanzadas, la región necesita elevar de forma significativa el crecimiento de la productividad y asegurarse que nadie quede excluido de sus beneficios. Esto exigirá reformas estructurales integrales, apoyadas en un marco de políticas que fomente la productividad e incorpore consideraciones de inclusión social desde el inicio.

Portuguese, English

Após um período de crescimento relativamente robusto, que permitiu que dezenas de milhões de famílias mais pobres se juntassem à classe média global, o crescimento da América Latina diminuiu recentemente, em parte como resultado de fatores externos. Para diminuir as grandes lacunas de padrões de vida em relação às economias avançadas, a região precisa aumentar significativamente o crescimento da produtividade, garantindo que os benefícios advindos alcancem a todos. Isso exigirá reformas estruturais abrangentes, apoiadas por um arcabouço de políticas públicas voltado à produtividade, que incorpore, desde o início, considerações sobre a inclusão social.

Spanish, English
  • 20 Jun 2016
  • OECD, Korea Institute of Public Finance
  • Pages: 152

Fiscal Federalism 2016 surveys recent trends and policies in intergovernmental fiscal relations and sub-central government. Accessible and easy-to read chapters provide insight: into growing spending and tax devolution; the fiscal constitutions of federal countries; how immovable property taxation is regaining its former significance; on the true spending power of sub central governments; on the mix between own tax resources and intergovernmental grants; and on the role of fiscal rules and good budget frameworks for sustainable debt management at the state and local level.

In vielen Ländern und vor allem in den fortgeschrittenen Volkswirtschaften äußern die Menschen wachsenden Unmut über die Globalisierung. Sie haben den Eindruck, dass von ihren Vorteilen vor allem ein kleiner, ohnehin besser gestellter Teil der Bevölkerung profitiert. Außerdem sind viele Bürgerinnen und Bürger unzufrieden darüber, wie die wirtschaftliche Integration vorangetrieben wurde. Sie beklagen einen Mangel an Transparenz und zu viele Interessenkonflikte zwischen Politik und Wirtschaft. Einige der negativen Effekte, die die Unzufriedenheit wachsen lassen, hängen stärker mit dem technologischen Wandel zusammen als mit der Globalisierung an sich, allerdings sind diese beiden Elemente eng miteinander verknüpft. Außerdem zeigten die Maßnahmen, die ergriffen wurden, um die negativen Effekte der wirtschaftlichen Öffnung für bestimmte Gruppen, Branchen und Regionen abzumildern, nicht immer die gewünschte Wirkung, und die weltweite Rechtsetzungstätigkeit konnte nicht mit der Realität Schritt halten. Die wirtschaftliche Integration rückgängig zu machen, ist angesichts ihrer zahlreichen Vorteile keine Lösung. Vielmehr müssen wir Wege finden, um zu gewährleisten, dass alle von dieser Integration profitieren können. Dieser Bericht legt dar, was getan werden muss – auf globaler Ebene, auf europäischer Ebene und in Deutschland –, um die Globalisierung gerechter und inklusiver zu gestalten.

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